
Data Collection Services

Assessing the condition and performance of roadside assets necessitates effective data collection procedures and accurate execution of those procedures. When the required data is available from prior research, it may be desirable to locate and merge that data for use in the assessment of an asset. When the required data does not exist then it may be collected using office data collection methods or using field data collection methods.

Roadsafe has developed data collection procedures based on three factors; (1) which data are required, (2) the preferred data collection method (i.e., field or office), and (3) how will the data be recorded and preserved. Effective data collection procedures are developed through whole-team collaboration; to include all essential data collection protocol and eliminate non-essential data collection, thereby saving time and resources.

Roadsafe data collectors are thoroughly trained in the identification of the roadside assets which ensures the correctness of the collected data and ultimately the conclusions based upon the collected data. Roadsafe data collectors record all the required data using a combination of electronic and hard copy methods as directed by the client to create a comprehensive data set.

Publications and Presentations

C.E. Carrigan, M.H. Ray, and A.M. Ray “Evaluating the Performance of Roadside Hardware,” Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2017.

A.M. Ray “Asset Inventory Methods” AFB-20 group-meeting presentation, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2016.

C.A. Plaxico, M.H. Ray, C.E. Carrigan, T.O. Johnson, and A.M. Ray “Criteria for Restoration of Longitudinal Barriers – Phase II,” National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Project 22-28, National Academy of Sciences., 2015

Christine Carrigan

Christine Carrigan

For Data Collection services, contact Christine Carrigan.

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