
About Us

Roadsafe LLC was established by three partners — Malcolm Ray, Chuck Plaxico and Christine Carrigan — in 2010 to provide roadside and highway safety software development, design, and research services. Roadsafe LLC re-organised in 2021 when Malcolm Ray retired, leaving the business in the capable hands of the remaining two partners. They represent over seventy five years of combined roadside and highway safety software development, design, research and analysis expertise. Each has performed projects for a variety of the most prestigious transportation research agencies including the National Academy of Sciences National Cooperative Highway Research Program; the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; many State Departments of Transportation including Massachusetts, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Washington and Wyoming as well as numerous private clients.

Roadsafe LLC

12 Main Street
Canton, Maine 04221. USA

Send Mail to:

P.O. Box 312
Canton, Maine 04221. USA

On Line:


christine@roadsafellc.comEmail Us

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Our Building

Our building (seen below, on opening day in 1901) is one of only 15 Mesker Building façades ever constructed in the State of Maine and one of the few still in existence. The building was originally built in 1901 and operated as Bicknell’s Store, a haberdashery. It has since been a restaurant, laundra-mat, grocery store and is now home to RoadSafe LLC. After renovation in 2010, it was listed on the Maine Historic Resources Inventory. For more information on Mesker Buildings see the Illinois Historical Preservation Agency's website.

Roadsafe LLC Roadsafe LLC

Roadsfe LLC